Monday, September 12, 2011

Soleil Turns 4 Months

And she is still just as happy and smiley as ever! How we love our baby girl! She is just a joy to have around, and I love being a mommy to my two sweet girlies. Soleil is growing just like a healthy baby should, and making progress in the sleep department, although she's still not quite where I would like her to be. She usually wakes up to eat twice during the time that I am asleep. But that's much better than 3 or 4 times! She is doing great with tummy time; even though she still hates it, she can hold her head up well and even push up on her arms. she rolls from side to side on her back, it is exciting to see her get closer to rolling all the way over.

She is so good at grabbing things! She is lightning fast and is great at putting everything in her mouth. Though this toy just happened to be lined up perfectly, no grabbing effort required :)

She is getting stronger and stronger and will be able to sit unsupported soon. She so much prefers to be able to be up and looking about at the world. When she accomplishes sitting life will be much more entertaining for her I think!

Love that hair! She looks like she belongs in the cast of Jersey Shore heh heh.

Things we love about Soleil:
  • Her beautiful smile :) She is so happy and smiles all the time!
  • Her cute cute little sounds and noises. We love to hear her "talk"
  • She loves to watch Noelle play
  • She loves to watch Mommy cook
  • Her favorite way to sleep is snuggled up next to her Daddy
  • How her little legs just kick all the time...
  • ...Unless she is bringing her feet up and grabbing her toes, which happens a lot too!
  • How she "grumbles" when she is getting tired, bored, or upset. It is just too cute.
  • She always wants to hold my hand when we are in the car. It's a bit of a stretch, but we work it out :)
  • She loves to be (gently) tossed all about and bounced all around.
  • How much joy and happiness she brings to our little family!

1 comment:

3T's said...

Ok, your girls seriously have the CUTEST hair ever!!!! If I ever get a girl I hope that her hair is just like Noelle and Soleil's hair!!!