Monday, November 30, 2009

Sicky baby

Noelle is sick. It's not really bad, but she is just feeling yucky and has a low fever :( Mostly she is being pretty cheerful (I think) for a sick baby, but she had a hard evening and I think it is one of the worst feelings in the world to hear a sick little baby cry and know that you can't instantly make it all better. But when she is sick she is much more cuddly and snuggly and I never mind that part :) Please don't think that I enjoy my daughter's suffering, but as a mom who feels like her little baby is growing up way too fast I love being able to just hold onto her while I can.


prescottfamily said...

I'm so sorry if we caused that.Good luck this week with your busy schedule.

Alyssa said...

I don't know she's not coughing like Cortnee was, but in any case she's bound to get sick sometimes. Maybe that's just part of the fun of having older cousins :)

Ryan & Candice Lamb said...

I'm sorry she's sick, but I just wanted to say no new pics since October is just killing me, so please don't hold out any longer I need to see more darling pictures!

Hillary said...

Amen! You definitely have to take advantage of the sick snuggles while they still do it. I hope she is feeling better.