Friday, March 19, 2010

The Big 1!!!!!!

Oh dear our little baby is 1 year old! What a bittersweet birthday this has been! This year has absolutely flown by for us, I hope that doesn't become a habit. For Noelle's birthday, of course she got spoiled. This little one-year-old got THREE birthday parties with THREE different cakes and THREE times as many presents. We had so much fun :D

PARTY #1-- Grandma Gau's house

I love this picture

And this one ;) Meow.

Party #2-- Great Grandma and Grandpa Gau's house.

At the first party she wasn't too sure about the cake, but by this party she had figured out what it was all about.
The frosting handprint behind her on the table cracks me up.

Party #3-- Our house, with friends.

I LOVE this girl! She could not be any cuter.

I made a strawberrry-banana jello poke and pour cake. It was really good and Erik had great ideas for helping me decorate it.

Some things I love about my dear Noelle:
The way she coos and all the sounds she makes
Big, open-mouthed baby kisses! Heart melting for sure
How she loves to feed herself
How she crawls around
She is a fiend in her walker :) (thanks again Julie!)
She can turn lights on and off
She is very obedient
How she is shy when meeting new people
Her two adorable teeth, they are so funny and cute, it makes me laugh just to see them
Her laugh is hilarious, sadly she laughs just like me!
Of course, her beautiful blond, curly locks and stunning blue eyes
I love to dance with her to songs on the radio
She gets so excited when either mommy or daddy walks through the door, I would do anything in the world for that bright, shining face!
She loves to "read" books and especially loves turning the pages
She loves brushing her teeth and eating the toothpaste


Tracy said...

Ahhh, she is a sweet little one and she is just as lucky to have you and Erik as her parents. Children are such a blessing, enjoy every moment with her, they grow and change much too fast. Happy Birthday Noelle!

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

she is so stinkin cute! I was so glad we got to see you guys and see Noelle she is growing up so fast. i love her shirt you did good.

Janell H. said...

WOW I love your haircut!!! Two cute girls in all those pictures :)

wilbergrivkah said...

So much Fun! First birthdays are alwaysmy fav. So I think it is a great idea that you did 3 parties because both my kids bairly touched their cakes because they didn't know what to do! ha ha