Saturday, December 31, 2011

Half a Year For Our Baby Girl.

On November 11th our sweet little Soleil turned 6 months old, time flies so fast! At her checkup she weighed 16 lbs 4 oz-- about 50% for weight; and was about 24 inches long-- 75% for height.
How we love this little girl. At 6 months she was doing well with practicing standing, and she could just about sit up unsupported, but wasn't quite there yet. She has even more sounds to babble with-- da-da, ma-ma, as well as ba-ba. Ma-ma quickly became her "mad" sound, just like with Noelle.
Her favorite things to do were play with toys and put anything within reach in her mouth, which is a lot! She clearly inherited my "Go-go-gadget" arms, cause nothing ever seems to be far enough away to be out of her reach.

1 comment:

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

wow she is getting so big so fast! she is adorable just like her older sister- I love how much hair both your girls have so cute,