Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Piggy Tails

I was at the store yesterday and just decided to get some tiny little elastics to try and put Noelle's hair in little pig tails. I was so excited about it that as soon as I got home I threw some in real fast just to see if it would work. Here is the result.
So Cute! I think she looks absolutely adorable, but it also makes me kinda sad because I don't think she looks like a little baby anymore! I'm pretty sure I'm going to wake up tomorrow and she's going to be 18 and moving out to go to college.


wilbergrivkah said...

I can't believe how mucch hair she has already! She is socute!

Tracy said...
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Rachel said...

oh my gosh!!! those are the cutest!!! What a big girl!! Bring on the new hair do's! You can play with her hair and have so much fun with those things now! I love it!

Janell H. said...

WHAT! Wow, pigtails on a 4 month old, I am impressed!

prescottfamily said...

She is so cute!I am still waiting to do a single ponytail.